What To Expect When You’re 17 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby is the size of a pomegranate!

With each new day, your baby grows stronger. What this means for you, mama, is that you’ll be growing bigger each day, too.

Let’s see what’s in store for you and your little one this week!

How Big Is Baby at 17 Weeks?

Weighing in at 3 1/2 ounces (100 g), your baby’s crown-to-rump length is 4 1/2 to 4 3/4 inches (11 to 12 cm).

If you spread your hand out wide open, that’s how big your baby is this week. Or, roughly the size of a pomegranate.

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of a fetus week 17

Tips for A Healthy Pregnancy at 17 Weeks

Food Planning – Eating the right amount of food during pregnancy can get tricky. Some women overeat while others can seem to eat enough.

A recommendation from many moms is to chart your food intake. Make a chart of the food categories that you need to consume daily. Next to that list, write all the foods you enjoy that qualify for a particular category.

Remember that some qualify for more than one. Document the foods you eat during the day, so that you know what you still need to consume or cut back on as the day progresses.

Tracking it makes it easier to follow and keeps you healthier in the process. Plus, this will help your meal planning efforts, as well.

Exercise Routine – The second trimester is a time when most moms feel a sense of rejuvenation.

Your energy level has increased, and you feel much better than you did during the first trimester. It’s almost like you’re getting the hang of this pregnancy thing.

The only thing is that now your belly is starting to pop just a little and that might make exercising a little uncomfortable or even challenging. But, stick with your exercise routine, mama. Or come up with a brand new modified routine.

Your post-pregnancy self will thank you. Not only will your body heal faster, but exercise also helps you during labor and delivery.

Get Comfy – It can be tempting to wear regular clothes for as long as your belly will allow you. After all, most of the time a good rubber band will hold up a pair of your favorite jeans, right?

Take it from other moms: the first time you actually “let yourself relax” in a good pair of maternity pants, you’ll never look back.

The second trimester can feel like a transitional time of sorts. Your belly is growing but not quite huge just yet. Remember to dress for comfort.

Thankfully, fashion has accommodated expecting moms in both style and comfort. So, get creative!

How Many Months is 17 Weeks?

You are officially four months pregnant, mama!

Maybe it seems like time is flying by to you or it could be that it feels to be moving at a snail’s pace.

No matter what the rhythm of time feels like, rest assured that this pregnancy is but a fleeting moment.

Even if it’s difficult for you or your emotions have taken you on a roller coaster ride, write it down.

Just a few thoughts every day or so will be kind reminders for you in the years to come. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Ultrasound at 17 Weeks

Your baby is getting stronger, and you’re getting bigger. This week, he/she is starting to develop adipose tissue aka fat. This will help your baby to regulate both metabolism and body temperature.

Also, the rubbery tissue of your baby’s skeleton is turning to hard bone this week.

17 weeks pregnant ultrasound #1 17 weeks pregnant ultrasound #2 17 weeks pregnant ultrasound #3 17 weeks pregnant ultrasound #4

17 Weeks Pregnant: Your Belly

During this second trimester, a significant change will happen to you. It won’t only be evident in your physical form, but it will resound in your mind, as well.

This trimester, your belly will transform from curvy to an obvious baby bump. This physical change often profoundly impacts women, so be ready for the mental “aha” moment of looking like a pregnant woman.

In fact, people who hug you this week will feel the difference. Your belly feels more firm. You can’t suck it in anymore. After all, there’s a baby inside!

In addition to your belly feeling more firm on the outside, you’re going to be able to feel your baby on the inside more regularly.

For a while, these movements will be random. But the stronger your baby grows, the more pronounced his/her movements will be.

Truly, it’s an exciting time for you and your baby

17 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Changes in Your Body

Balance – Just because there isn’t a huge basketball-looking belly out in front of you yet, you might still feel your belly influence the rest of your body.

For instance, your balance might have started to feel off-kilter. This is completely normal, but it does take some getting used to. In fact, most falls during pregnancy happen in the second trimester.

Your muscle memory is still stuck on pre-pregnancy mode and you’re still not accustomed to controlling a body with loose ligaments.

Remember to move slowly and deliberately. No quick turns or movements. Just play it safe while you and your body work out the kinks of this new form.

Vivid Dreams – Dreams during pregnancy can take on a life of their own. Most expecting moms have very vivid dreams.

So, what’s the scoop on all this dreaming? Because your mental, emotional, and physical states are all connected, they often come together to reveal themselves within your dreams.

Not all women experience positive dreams. Some women have reported having nightmares, disturbing dreams, high-anxiety dreams, or nonsense dreams they simply can’t forget.

Because this is such a unique time for you, remember not to take every dream to heart.

Backaches – Is it any wonder that expecting women experience backaches?

Thankfully, this uncomfortable symptom typically waits until the 5th month to appear. At least, for moms carrying only one baby.

For twin moms, see below. Because of the weight gain, breast enlargement, and extra strain on your muscles, back pain during pregnancy is incredibly common.

Remember not to over-extend yourself, take frequent breaks, and keep your muscles stretched with prenatal yoga or by taking brisk walks.

17 Weeks Pregnant: With Twins

Coming in at 17 weeks pregnant with twins or multiples, you’re likely way ahead of singletons moms in many ways.

There’s a good chance that your skin has become itchier as it stretches to accommodate a rapidly growing belly. That’s not going to slow down any time soon, so stock up on lotion to ease the itchiness.

Also, if you haven’t lost sight of your toes, you might want to start saying your goodbyes now.

Being pregnant with more than one baby means you lose sight of the things under your belly more quickly than other moms.

17 Weeks Pregnant: A Checklist

  • Start planning your maternity leave.
  • Get a pedicure for those hard-to-reach toes.
  • Get inspired for your baby’s nursery.
  • Look into a sleeping support belt.
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